The Hat

The sterile white hat with its lipstick-red cherries that Margie had intended to wear at her daughter’s wedding before she’d eloped with the plumber, had been exiled in her wardrobe.
But after the good news from her daughter Margie decided that the hat would do for the christening instead.

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The Wedding Reception

The bride was beautiful; the wedding every bit as solemn and religious as she had planned and the long reception line as dignified as an audience with the queen.

Nobody had noticed the little ring bearer slip away until he poked his head out from underneath the bride’s billowing gown to a chorus of gasps and guffaws.

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Rating: 7.3/10 (6 votes cast)

Let tranquility reign from beginning to end of earth today and everyday so the weapons of war become silent evermore. Warfare has no purpose other than to establish the superior man, what will become when there is only one man remaining?

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Rating: 5.4/10 (5 votes cast)

Rethinking My Motives

As I woke to the oddly-smelling, dirty motel room, I reflected on why I was here. It was all because of an argument, and now there was a strange woman with me in a strange place, and I had an odd-looking rash where rashes oughtn’t be; why do these things happen to me?

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Rating: 6.0/10 (3 votes cast)

Winner Takes All

As he adjusted the cumberbund on his tuxedo, he thought of her, how they’d known her all his life, been in love with her for most of it, and what a great wife she was going to be. He straightened his tie, opened the door, and walked down the stairs where his best friend greeted him with, “Ready to go be my best man?”

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Rating: 4.6/10 (5 votes cast)

Smart Woman

She gaze into the mirror, and realized the woman looking at her was not the woman she needed to be now not in looks or intelligence. Were these words true or just what her degrading husband had drilled in her head, its difficult to change looks and intelligence but so easy to throw away a swine.

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Rating: 3.8/10 (5 votes cast)


The icy rain immediately sinks through my coat, permeated through my sweater to my back making it impossible for me to stay long looking at his small understated grave marker. He was one of the most remarkable people I will ever have the privilege of knowing and there is not even a trace of his greatness to passersby on this small cold granite stone.

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