Flake of Snow

Before I had you, I was a snowflake— cold, lonely, and lost. Now that I have you, I am in love with the thought that perhaps, just perhaps, we both are
snowflakes holding hands so that when we fall to the snow on the ground, we will fall warmly together in perfect harmony.

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Are We Ever Going to Duet?

I knew love was on the line, but I was exhausted and running around the issue wasn’t going to cut it anymore. So instead of serving it I threw the plate of asparagus he made at his feet, bellowing over him to drown out his warbling, “Goddamnit, John, you know I wasn’t asking about singing!”

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Bessie, my white-faced golden retriever, trotted over to greet me with a smile and a wagging tail as she always does. She’s the best dog I’ve ever had, and I only wish I was still alive so I could give her the belly rub she so rightfully deserves.

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I hate most people – I hate their smell, I hate their voices, I hate their sad and depressing stories, I hate how they try to control me, how they try to make me do things, how they try to persuade me to kill myself, but honestly, the one who I hate most is my mother, she should care about me, not laugh at those idiocies, while who-knows-what kind of supstance goes down her digestive system, again. My mother is a pregnant woman, and once I’m born, I will kill them all.

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