The Forum

She had thought they were her friends, yet suddenly, when she spoke, it seemed that they all stopped talking, and when she made a comment, they were all suddenly done with the conversation, leaving her hanging out there in nothingness. She hung out less and less, tried to let go, as they clung tenaciously to each other, shutting her further out, never knowing that they were all she really had, for without them, her life was unbearable, and so – wondering if anyone would even notice she was gone – she swallowed the rest of the pills and smiled, knowing that after tonight, she wouldn’t be around for anyone to abuse anymore.

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The Forum, 6.7 out of 10 based on 6 ratings

4 thoughts on “The Forum”

  1. This is more about teenagers. I just read a story about a girl who killed herself because her MySpace friends turned on her. It’s just so sad how much power we have over people we have never met.

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